Benefits of Standardisation

European Aerospace Standardisation

ASD-STAN is a prominent industrial association dedicated to establishing, developing, and maintaining standards on behalf of the European Aerospace Industry. As the overseer of the CEN Technical Committee for Aerospace, ASD-STAN has played a pivotal role in the development of over 2600 European Standards. Presently, 2605 of these standards, originating from ASD-STAN, have been published as European Norms (EN) by CEN and its members. ASD-STAN’s influence spans various standardization areas within the Aerospace and related Defence sector. Consequently, we stand as the primary provider of official European Aerospace Standards, adhering to the standardization process outlined in the European Standardisation Regulation 1025/2012.

Why standardization? – Benefit for the Industry!

The importance of standardization lies in its profound benefits for the industry. Standardization organizations develop standards to address industrial needs, always prioritizing the quality and safety of materials and operations.

A standard serves as a voluntary technical document, facilitating easier interoperability among economic operators within a value chain. For companies, standardization becomes a strategic and economic tool, offering opportunities to reduce costs, strengthen market positions, or enter new markets. These standards play a crucial role in ensuring transparent and effective communication between customers, manufacturers, and regulatory authorities.

Moreover, standards form the foundation for certification processes, thereby contributing significantly to enhancing safety within the aviation industry. They not only capture the current state-of-the-art in technology but also act as catalysts for innovation, providing a competitive edge. Major aerospace players, including Airbus, recognize the strategic importance of standards. Giovanni David, ASD-STAN President and Airbus HO Standards Management, affirms: “Airbus is involved in the development of all new technology standards and uses them extensively in their supply chains. EN standards originating from ASD-STAN are a strategic tool in the Airbus engineering and manufacturing activities.”

Advantages of Standardization

Defines the State-of-the-Art of Technology
Standardization serves as a benchmark, defining the current pinnacle of technological advancement.
Promotes Innovation
By setting a baseline, standards act as catalysts, encouraging ongoing innovation within industries.
Increases Quality and Safety
Standards contribute significantly to enhancing the overall quality and safety standards of products and operations.
Tool for Industry Communication
Standardization serves as a vital tool for the industry, ensuring transparent and precise communication between customers, manufacturers, and regulatory authorities.
Strategic Planning Tool
Recognized as a strategic planning tool, standards assist industries in formulating and implementing robust strategic initiatives.
Additional Benefit for Industry and Society
Beyond industry-specific advantages, standardization offers broader benefits to society at large.
Addresses Broader Objectives
Standardization considers and contributes to overarching objectives such as environmental protection, consumer protection, employment protection, and health promotion.


Recognized for Safety and Quality
Customers and users acknowledge standards as symbols of safety and quality.
Strategic Tools
Standards serve as strategic tools, aligning with and reinforcing company objectives.
Market Creation
Standards play a pivotal role in creating new markets, fostering innovation and expansion.
Acceleration of Technical Progress
Serving as catalysts, standards aid and expedite technical progress within industries.
Job Creation and Growth
Standards contribute to job creation and industry growth.
Cost Reduction, Enhanced Performance, and Improved Safety
Standards have a triple impact by reducing costs, enhancing performance, and improving safety.
Facilitation of International Trade
Standards facilitate international trade by ensuring compatibility and interoperability of components, products, and services.
Support for Global Value Chains
Standards support and strengthen global value chains, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

European standards:

Global Applicability
European standards are utilized on a global scale.
Support for Regulatory Authorities and Public Acquisition
These standards play a crucial role in supporting regulatory authorities and public procurement processes.


Internal Rule Assurance
Companies can ensure that their internal rules align with established general standards.

Invitation to Participation

All interested parties and experts, including those from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), are invited to participate in standardization work.

Reasons to Participate:

Detailed Knowledge
Gain in-depth knowledge of standards.
Recognition and Influence
Recognize and influence requirements and trends.
Influence Content
Actively influence the contents of standards to ensure specific needs are considered.
Connect with other stakeholders, experts, and regulators at both national and European levels.
Contributing to Development
Contribute to the development of standards that enhance safety, quality assurance, rationalization, environmental protection, globalization, innovation, performance, communication, efficiency, and interoperability of products and/or services.

Participating as an ASD-STAN member

In addition to the general advantages, ASD-STAN members enjoy:

Direct Influence
Directly influence the working areas and strategic development of ASD-STAN.
High-Level Networking
Have direct contact with other high-level decision-makers.
Involvement in Ballots
Participate in the New Work Proposal (NWP) Ballot and National Domain Ballot (NDB), influencing the decision and prioritization of standardization projects.
Process Improvement
Influence the definition and improvement of the ASD-STAN standard development process.
First-Hand Information
Receive first-hand information about ASD-STAN activities and deliverables.

How to get involved?

National Level
Through the ASD-STAN member, become an ASD-STAN member, or through CEN National Standardization Bodies/CENELEC National Committees.
European Level
Become an ASD-STAN member or through the European ASD-STAN member.
International Level
Become an ASD-STAN member or establish a collaboration agreement with ASD-STAN. ASD-STAN maintains liaisons with ISO Technical Committees.

Principles of standards work:

  • Voluntary Implementation
  • Public Access
  • Broad Participation
  • Consensus
  • Uniformity
  • Consistency
  • Relevancy
  • Current Knowledge and Technology
  • Efficiency
  • Benefit to All
  • International Cooperation

What is ASD-STAN prEN Standard and European Standard (EN)?


A standard is a consensus-based document for general and recurrent use, setting out requirements for activities or their results as specific items, material, components, systems or services, or describes in detail a particular method or procedure (EN 45020)


ASD-STAN publishes standards as ASD-STAN projected European Norms (ASD-STAN prEN), which are eventually published by CEN and its members as CEN EN without any technical change.

For more information see “What is the status of an ASD-STAN standard ?” at our FAQ section!

Education and Training on Standardization

Training Sessions

At the commencement of each working group, ASD-STAN offers training on ASD-STAN and the standardization process to participants.

Initiating a New Standard

Open Proposal

Anyone is welcome to propose a subject for standardization to ASD-STAN, as detailed in the Standardization Process Manual.